Ho hum - the injury list has started with Wilkinson sore. We knew there would be a twist in this World Cup - maybe this was it. Now the roast beefs will have to bank on Barkley to make the breaks and control the game. As it stands, tonight, England are 33-1 (la cote est 33 contre 1 - putain!)
The England coach, Brian Ashton: " admitted there is concern over Wilkinson's injury, although he was reluctant to put a timeframe on his return to action." - I think he had better put a bandage on it - not an effing timeframe!
Anyway, Dallaglio, Rees and Worsley add a sting to the back row.. I read some 'bons mots' in all the newspapers and it seems like a load of (I don't want to write bullshit here because it doesn't seem like the right word but you know what I mean ...) stuff like " I will believe white is black and black is white if I have to...etc" Let's hope England get to meet the All Whites then Lawrence - that should be colourful.
So. In short, a good opener, with the England coaching staff preparing their first tranche of clichés as I write.